On Magic, Possibility, The Spiral of Life and Releasing Control

What does a life that is full of magic feel like to you?

Perhaps a life that is: full of possibility, creation, of being present to actually see things, of following the natural flow of life and all of the magic and nature that is here guiding us if we just stop resisting it and actually step into it.

It is releasing the control, not conjuring up spells to control but to create rather than control. To create and then to let go of the outcome...whew that is a lesson to learn over and over again.

So what happens when you step into that magic, that flow, that divine feminine energy?

Life is lived and in much deeper presence and connection. Simple and sweet.

It gets less complicated, there is less thinking, there is less planning, there is more ease, appreciation and opening for all that is. There is also more presence in the feeling of what it is to be a human and all that comes up.

To create more we need to Be more. To be in our heart space to be in our cauldron or our womb space.

A past self of me, 10 years ago would have thought the person writing this was crazy...truly. But I have experienced this inner world. I have been drawn deeper and deeper into the energy that we actually are and experienced that. I have said yes to letting go of the planning of the control that I am really good at but also made me sick. I have said yes to reconnecting with my own divine feminine part of me and valuing it because it is just as beautiful and valuable as the masculine. We are both and not always in equal parts but I am sure we all know that some where along the line the collective we decided that the feminine aspects were to be controlled to be devalued and put in one place. It is super prevalent right now to blame the patriarchy for all the things. In my college years I was all about that and I think for many this is part of the process. I am now in the space of personal responsibility for my own life and how I show up in it and create it. To show up to my own value and to show up to the world in that value. Same world out there but different me inside equals different experience of this world. Massive shift!

Enjoy this podcast and let me know what possibilities you are creating.

Join me for a Individualized 40 Day Journey (operated in the Gift Economy). Find out more here.


Reclaim some of that possibility, connection to your feminine self, flow and nature in a Soul Session.


Deep Drink #5 - A Meditation for the Experience of Confusion


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