Deep Drink #5 - A Meditation for the Experience of Confusion

In this podcast I lead you into the FEELING of confusion inside of you as an experience of energy.

There are so many signposts on the path of rewilding and returning home as we strip layers off and connect more with the soul of us.

We often see many of the sign posts as “danger, bad, you are going the wrong way”..... THIS ISN’T THE TRUTH! When many of us are in the thick of it we aren’t able to always see the sign posts clearly. Our nervous system may be highly activated and we think run, when really we are exactly where we are meant to be.

One of the biggest sign posts is confusion. Confusion is a beautiful place to be in. It is a place that brings the possibilities of deeper questioning. A place where we can throw up our hands and just sit and be. If we let it, it can be a place of deep surrender.

Confusion doesn’t mean we won't ever know, it simply means we don’t know right now.

It is a sign post of pause; an invitation to dive in deeper and listen. So many of us look at this sign post and think, “Oh man I have done it wrong, I am in the wrong place, I am not good enough, I will never get there and all the rest”

So many of us also see this sign post and try to THINK our way out of it. We can make the lists and will the answers but at the end of the day this isn’t really the medicine that is being presented. You may be missing the medicine of the pause, the inner connection and deep knowing that is possible in the pause the confusion is asking of you.

When confusion sets it to me it means that a big shift is coming. It is that moment of deeper surrender and stillness...NOT a time to spin and spin and spin.

To read more of the blog on confusion click here.

Check out Soul Sessions- One on one sessions for those that are wanting to connect to their inner space.


On the Medicine of Winter


On Magic, Possibility, The Spiral of Life and Releasing Control