On the Medicine of Winter

Do you find that the winter season to bring you down: physically, emotionally and maybe even spiritually?

Do you feel depressed and you perhaps resistance to the growing cold and darkness both outside and within?

This podcast episode is all about The Medicine of the Winter Season.

How can you embrace the cold, the dark and the underworld and let it do it's magic?

How can your experience of this season look and feel different for you?

I explore the medicine that this season offers with some personal stories as well as some helpful suggestions for you to sink into the energy of the coming winter and shift your relationship with it.

In Joy!

If you would like to learn more about connecting to your Soul head over to Soul Sessions here.


The 40 Day Soul FULL Journey here!


Deep Drink #6- A Meditation for Gratitude


Deep Drink #5 - A Meditation for the Experience of Confusion