Episode #51- On Midlife: The Rediscovering, Reclaiming and Rewilding of You

Midlife is ultimately about Stepping into Your Soul Self

As we naturally go through the growth and change that is necessary in mid life we can feel things come up like:

*Fear (of change, of growth, of death and rebirth)

*Wondering if we are “crazy” or just hormonal

*Have people say to us that we aren’t the person they thought we were.

We can get stuck in the idea of what everyone thinks of us

We can get stuck in the fear of change

We can get stuck in the flight and fight of our fast paced world and not allow ourselves to sink into and discover who we are becoming

This is where the idea of mid life crisis enters...we stay stuck.

What if:

Midlife is the BECOMING

Midlife is the Stepping DEEPER into connection with our soul self.

Then we experience it as an AWAKENING.

We may have to shed some old skin.

We need to get quiet and connect with the person we are, deep down and allow ourselves to be courageous enough to let this person be seen and heard.

This podcast talks about all this and more.

I also give you some “steps” to begin this exploration of steeping deeper into your soul self!

Check out the 40 Day Soul FULL Journey. The art of slowing down, stepping inside and reconnecting with your deepest self.


The Priorities of the Heart


Deep Drink #2- The Art of Grounding