The Priorities of the Heart

This podcast is both a "chat" on priorities of the heart as well as an experience "Deep Drink" heart activation, guided meditation.

So often we get caught up in the priorities of the material outer world, in what we think we should be and do and forget to listen into the wisdom of the heart.

We get disconnected with what the dance of our life feels life if we stopped trying to control it and let our hair get messy and our bodies begin to move to the figuartive rhythm of our lives.

What happens when we step into this heart space and get out of our head?

How much more space is created by being more connected?

How much more love can we generate inside ourself and for others and how can one small thing like going inside and meeting our heart space lead to such epic space and soul connection.

Enjoy this chat and experiential podcast episode.

Check out the 40 day Soul FULL journey a journey to:

Slow down your nervous system

Get reacquainted with your inner world

Activate different parts of yourself (womb, heart, throat)


On the importance and opportunities and Pain and Discomfort


Episode #51- On Midlife: The Rediscovering, Reclaiming and Rewilding of You