Opening the Door to Possibility when we Feel Stuck

We have all felt stuck in life!

It feels really confining, really closed and well just shitty.

When we are stuck we don’t feel much joy, we don’t experience much movement, possibility and alignment. Life feels hard and we live it feeling “fine” and getting by. Like being in survival mode.

Feeling stuck often is experienced in the body through big emotions and feelings.

We often stay stuck because well...we see no possibility and/or we are afraid of what we think it will mean get unstuck. Will we lose the relationship? Will we have to lose our job?

We stay stuck because we are afraid of what life may look like after we shift. Our current reality may feel misaligned but at least it feels familiar and "safe".

SO...HOW do we open that door to possibility?

How do we specifically and step by step open the door for that shift to occur?

Well…that’s what this podcast talks about.


If you are desiring a shift. A greater alignment in your mind, body, spirit whole health. Then check out The Shift- A 10 Day Journey to greater vitality and whole health for women. Early pricing now through 5/2. Check it out!


The Most Nourishing and Revitalizing Practice Yet- Sunrise, Sunshine, Sunset


What is Alignment and what does it actually FEEL like?