What is Alignment and what does it actually FEEL like?

Alignment...one of those buzz words that we often hear but rarely FEEL.

What does it mean and better yet FEEL like to you to be aligned and why should it be one of the most important focal points for your life; this podcast answers that and so much more.

I go into the WHOLE of the mind, body, spirit and how even something as simple as our hormones (one of the building blocks of life) is in alignment or not by all the things; stuck stress, light waves, ability to move emotions, our diet, stored trauma, our connection and intimacy with our selves and others and SO MUCH MORE.

I hope you enjoy this episode.

If you are desiring deeper alignment in your hormonal self check out the 10 Day Journey to Happy Hormones!


Opening the Door to Possibility when we Feel Stuck


Deep Drink #9- Guided Meditation for Flowing through Fear and Feelings of “Stuckness”