What is Needed for the REVOLUTION of our INNER World

It's time to tune inside and create a REVOLUTION of our Inner World!

Our experiences and realities only evolve when we do.

It's time to stop looking outside ourselves for some magic pill, some book or anything out there to help us evolve what is inside.

It's time to align to what our actual values are, to show up to our inner space and often, to create space and to create external realities that match.

It’s time to STOP controlling stop people pleasing and saying yes all the time and time to start getting REALLY aligned with our values and what actually FUELS us to LIVE a life we want.  To be FIERCELY HONEST with ourselves and to VISION again and move towards that vision.

This requires a deep return home.  To slow down and show up to what actually is.  To get reacquainted with who we are, what our needs actually are, what our values are and how we do or don’t live in alignment with them.

It’s time to stop being a good girl and start exploring, start being brave, start saying yes to things that make you uncomfortable (which for many is actually getting slower and stiller)

You don’t need permission to evolve to change and show up for a revolution of your inner world; you just need to actually show up to it!

I give some good sign posts and ideas in this podcast including cultivating curiosity, getting embodied, downregulating your nervous system, rewilding, cyclical living and more.



Deep Drink #4- Fall Season Meditation for Balance, Reflection and Visioning


What happens if you just Show Up?