Shedding the Skin of Your Ordained Personality

Rewild, Reconnect, Remember and Return Home

It's time to shed the skin! The part of you that if you are REALLY honest with yourself doesn't fit anymore, and maybe never did.

It's time to step deeper into yourself.

To head the 3 am wake up calls, the inner niggles and release what doesn't fit any more.

This podcast talks about the skin of our personalities that aren't often reflective of our inner world and why we fear stepping into and breaking down what we are to become something that fits!


You can read the poem that I wrote about this here.

If you are interested in listening to your inner niggles and allowing yourself to Shed the skin check out Midlife Awakening.


What happens if you just Show Up?


Deep Drink- A Meditation to Shine Light on Heaviness.